Sumo Paint 2.0

Okay, I am completely blown away by how cool is!  Today was a review of our ECMP class and we were asked to use a device called type with me. Only 16 students could type at a time but it was really  neat using it. You click on an available line on the window and type whatever you want but what was really cool was as you typed, it shows it to everyone else using that window too. So basically you can see word for word, letter for letter that people were typing. Another neat thing about it was it was like texting but texting 15 other people! But anyways, sorry about that, got a little carried away! We were talking about what we learned and we were asked to type in that window what tools we liked and someone put down I was curious so I went onto the website and let me tell you!!! It is absolutley amazing what this website has to offer… If you can’t paint, it will paint for you, all you have to do is direct the mouse where you want to paint and it will paint it. The brush strokes look like real brush strokes and that was what blew my mind. There were  a lot of choices for what colours you could use too. Now, the next thing I’m going to try to explain may be confusing but if you don’t get it you should just go to and try it out! The next tool I used on the website was awesome. It was like taking a pen or marker and drawing a line, but as you drew ONE line or squiggle, it would duplicate itself and do  5 other lines or squiggles right beside your squiggle. As you move the cursor and draw whatever it is that you’re drawing, 5 other lines do the same and follow your cursor. It can make a really cool pattern! This website is definetly a great and interesting way to kill time! 🙂

~ by kostersarah on April 13, 2010.

One Response to “Sumo Paint 2.0”

  1. Wow. Sumopaint is really awesome!! I am going to use that next time I want to make something 🙂

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